Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hydrangeas and Heat

With Christmas over I had plans to get back to my blogs, but fate or technology got the better of me and I found myself without any internet access. No idea why. The modem was working because I could get wireless on my Kindle and my son's new Galaxy tablet was getting wireless, but not my PC which uses teh same modem but with broadband. Nothing we did worked and my computer guru was away on holidays.

But this morning - a week after it all went bad, I switched on and lo and behold, my internet was working. Technology baffles me.  But at least I can catch up on my blogs.

I snapped the hydrangeas just after Christmas and they looked superb. So many hues of blue, purple and pink.


Unfortunately this morning they looked more like this


Still I have these photos to remind me of their former glory and next summer is coming.

Liz Needle

Liz Needle


  1. Wow, that last photo is just magnificent Liz!

  2. You should see them now, Dy, after the dry hot spell we have had.
