Sunday, December 23, 2012

Dry, Dry, Dry

Since I last posted we have had a really dry spell and promised rain has not arrived. No water restrictions yet, so we are using the sprinkler to keep things going, but it is costing an arm and a leg. We have decided to invest in a couple of large water tanks to use in the garden, but that won't happen until later this summer. Meanwhile we water as sparingly as possible without losing any plants. Today's 39.9 did not help at all!!!

We are having a second flush of roses and the hydrangeas and agapanthas are coming along nicely, but I thought I would feature some rather nice Australian natives today.

My favourite without a doubt is this one a regular visitor. This fellow is called Kenneth and we have been acquaintenances for a couple of years now.

I really like this pretty banksia. The flowers are not noticeable unless you really look intothe heart of the bush, but they are a gorgeous colour.
I love Kangaroo Paw, but don't have much luck keeping it alive and flowering for more than a few years. They are indigenous to Western Australia where they thrive on the sandy soils. I don't think our heavy clay loams really suit them.

My favourite at the moment is this beautiful tree. Blueberry Ash - Elaeocarpus reticulans. The flowers are tiny, but absolutely exquisite, like miniature ballerinas.

How could you not love them?

Liz Needle


  1. Its a pity it is only flowering for a short time. The display is also very discreet and not at all showy. You have to get up close to notice the exquisite little flowers, but it is a handsome tree in its own right.
